Sunday, October 14, 2007

My new hobby...

I have taken up a new hobby since being in London... yup, I am the newest musical prodigy by way of the bongo and the classic egg shaped shaking device which was made famous in my Grade 1 music class with Mrs. Wilkinson. Mrs. Wilkinson, if you're out there, your enthusiasm for music and your egg shaking prowess have inspired me to pursue music.

I have never been known for having much of a sense of sound (or sense for that matter) or rhythm, but I plan on changing that! Since I have all but mastered the old bongo I feel I am ready for bigger and better things... I am looking to purchase my first guitar!! Rick Popiez, your lessons from when I was about 7 years old have finally sunk in. Once I make the big purchase I am going to work around the clock to learn some old classics such as Sarah McLaughlin's Angel, Tupac's Changes, and the timeless classic Material Girl by Madonna.

I have posted a pic of me and my first bout of busking along London's embankment. Oh and one with Sharpies guitar... please note the cigarette hanging out of the mouth for dramatic effect (plus I thought it made me look tough)... don't worry mum, I haven't taken up that 'filthy' habit ;)


Top marks for those reading and posting messages on my blog!!!

Cheers to those of you who have been commenting! It's always good to hear from you and it gives me a little inspiration to keep writing.

Brent, I have been on your website a number of time and it is fab! Keep up the good work mate. For those of you who are connected with my cousin Brent, check out his website about his adventures in Saudi...

For those of you interested in good wholesome indie musical melodies...

That's it for my shoutouts... I think it's time to write a proper 'spot' in the ol' blog...

Stay tuned...
